The SNOG TEAM SIX series, a delightful read for young adults and the young at heart:

VOL 1 - JAMHURI NJAMBI & FIGHTING ZOMBIES: A princess trapped in a high tree and a brash young man determined to “rescue” her; a devoted daughter searching for a magical spring to save her ailing father; a teenage girl who is forced to replace her mobile phone with a machete to protect her family from zombies—all their stories interweave in a stirring alchemy set in a rich African backdrop. Ted Neill moves readers from folktale to action, comedy to cosmology, rural to urban, material to spiritual, with the ease of a master storyteller, crafting an adventure along the way that will appeal to the head, the heart, and the soul - oh and there is a blind ninja assassin named Esmeralda who totally kicks demon a**.

VOL 2 - ZOMBIE, FRAT BOYS, MONSTER FLASH MOBS & OTHER TERRIFYING THINGS I SAW AT THE GATES OF HELL COTILLION: The world faces a demon invasion brought on by frat boys who have opened a portal into hell in the rec-room of their house on frat row. It’s up to a bunch of running start students Liam, Jeanie, Jax, and Mitchell, who are are still too young for even their learners permits, to use their wit and wisdom to stop them. It doesn’t hurt to have a wisecracking East African ninja assassin on their side - and being blind doesn’t slow Esmeralda down in this volume either.

VOL 3 - HALO JUMPERS, HUMAN TRAFFICKERS, & TIGER ZOMBIES. HOW I ESCAPED FROM THE BLACK HOLE OF KOLKATA HOTEL: After the chaos of a campus wide demon invasion, Jax seeks out a semester abroad in India for some peace and quiet. Little do they know they will be swept up in another inter-dimensional crisis with supernatural beings, zombie animals, and former frat boy Troy Thurston who is trying to redeem himself after nearly causing the end of the world in his frat house basement.

VOL 4 - BOUNTY HUNTERS, BLACK COWBOYS, NORDIC ZOMBIES, TRICKSTER GODS. WHY I SHOULD HAVE PAID ATTENTION IN SURVEY OF WORLD MYTH 7 GLOBAL FOLKLORE CLASS. Liam Reilly was an outcast. Then he made friends with Jeanie, Mitchell, Jax, and Esmeralda and they did nothing less than save the world from a zombie apocalypse. Nowadays they watch the Bachelorette and eat tater-tots. That is, until Liam is trapped in an alternate reality that looks a lot like an old western, except with laser canons, roller coaster trains, and talking frogs. Liam will have to rescue a mysterious girl in order to escape but can’t do so without running afoul of some Klu Klux Klan knights, a band of internet ghouls, and a very very aggro Mesoamerican god. He’ll need the help of friends, old and new, if he wants to survive. They will find their unwanted foray into child-rescue is connected to events as far away as Kolkata India, where Jax Spanner and arch-nemesis Troy Thurston are battling a zombie invasion that, once again, puts the whole world in peril, Bachelorette and tater-tots and all.

VOL 5 - GLITTER BOMBS, GLAM ROCKERS, EMO GODS & MURDER BIRDS. MY SEMESTER ABROAD AT THE END OF THE WORLD: Liam, Mitchell, Esmeralda and Jeanine, in an effort to free the mysterious Tigers of Anan, will journey from cyberspace, to the old west, to modern India, and even some inter-dimensional elven nightclubs. If they can reach their friend, Jax, and frienemy, Troy, in time, there might be hope for the world (but probably not, things look baaaad). They need to survive a vengeful god of war, swarms of his murder birds, lawyers bringing a million dollar lawsuit against them, not to mention a former university president with a major grudge. (Author’s note: I’d put my money on the apocalypse personally).

Praise for the SNOG TEAM SIX series.

GOLD MEDAL WINNER Best Multicultural Book E-Lit Awards - 2019

SILVER MEDAL WINNER Best YA Book Nautilus Awards - 2018

DISTINGUISHED FAVORITE Independent Press Book Award - 2019

FIVE STAR REVIEW from Readers' Favorite - 2019


Ted Neill moves readers from folktale to action, comedy to cosmology, rural to urban, material to spiritual, with the ease of a master storyteller, crafting an adventure along the way that will appeal to the head, the heart, and the soul. Before becoming a writer, Ted Neill worked in Global Health and Education. The characters in SNOG TEAM SIX were inspired when Neill was volunteering and living at an orphanage for HIV+ children in Nairobi Kenya. He wrote Jamhuri, Njambi, & Fighting Zombies when the children requested stories featuring people and places that reflected their own culture and their own world. The rest followed, because . . . well . . . who doesn’t want to write about wise cracking ninja assassins, cheese loving demons, and offer deep discussions on the merits of the MCU, the DCU, or classic zombie films?

Just for the record, Ted Neill, hates zombie movies. They give him nightmares. He also hates musicals and Christmas movies. Except for Anna and the Apocalypse, which is a 2017 Christmas musical with zombies and likely the greatest masterpiece of cinema ever made.

Cover Design by Bukovero

Please Consider Supporting: These organizations are all ones the author knows well. They lift up the kind of children who inspired Jamhuri, Njambi & Fighting Zombies.  

GrassROOTS & 1000 Black Girl Books GrassROOTS Community Foundation (GCF) is a public health and social action organization that invests in community members’ collective well-being, so that they can use their health and energy to transform themselves, their families and communities. GCF supports, develops and scales health and wellness programs for women and girls, particularly those who are impoverished. They also advocate for policies and practices that foster equity and reduce disparities. They are a proud collaborator with #1000BlackGirlBooks, an initiative started by Marley Dias when she was in sixth grade to promote books in which black girls are the main characters.  

Little Rock ECD Center Little Rock is situated close to the heart of Nairobi, Kenya. Little Rock was founded by Lilly Oyare in response to the lack of services and community supporting children living with a range of disabilities such as cerebral palsy, visual/hearing impairment, developmental delays, or other special needs. Little Rock mainstreams special needs children alongside normal learners, helping to erase stigma as well as creating an inclusive community that benefits all. Little Rock provides professional development training for teachers in special education as well as numerous emotional and educational supports to parents.  

Harlem Children’s Zone  HCZ’s mission is to give kids the individualized support they need to get to and through college and become productive, self-sustaining adults. This goal is difficult and complex, so HCZ begins work at birth and helps kids every step of the way until college graduation. They accomplish this through a holistic focus on exceptional education, social services, family support, health, and community-building programs. HCZ uses data to constantly evolve and improve, creating inspirational success stories that are shining examples of what can be done when science and compassion are brought together for measurable results and lasting impact.